


Although the terms telemedicine 和 远程医疗 are sometimes used synonymously, 这两者是有区别的.

技术 多年来在医疗保健领域发挥了至关重要的作用, 和 the coronavirus p和emic has accelerated many changes within the industry. Along with additional precautions for healthcare professionals, there has been an increased need for 远程医疗 远程提供病人护理服务.

在大流行之前,研究由 美国医院协会 显示76%的美国人.S. 医院提供远程保健服务,作为病人的一种选择. 研究预测 远程医疗服务大幅增长, estimated at an annual compound growth rate of 38% over the next five years.

Although the terms telemedicine 和 远程医疗 are sometimes used synonymously, 这两者是有区别的.


根据 疾病控制和预防中心 (CDC), 远程医疗 refers to the use of digital information 和 communications technology to deliver health-related services 和 information that supports patient care, 管理活动和远程获得医疗保健服务.

而远程医疗则包括远程医疗, one main difference between the two is that 远程医疗 also includes non-clinical services. 一些远程医疗实践可能包括行政会议, 继续医学教育和保健提供者培训.


远程医疗 is the practice of using technology to provide remote clinical services for patients. 定义它 世卫组织 就像远方的治愈. 它最初是通过电话进行的, 但技术的进步导致了网络平台的增加, online portals 和 video calling services that allow patients to connect with healthcare professionals either asynchronously or in real-time.

远程医疗允许患者讨论症状, 医疗问题, 治疗方案,足不出户就能拿到处方. 它不仅节省了病人去医生办公室的路程, but it also increases access to healthcare for individuals who live in remote areas.


  • 交互式医学: Interactive medicine usually refers to real-time consultations 和 interactions between a patient 和 healthcare provider.
  • 远程监控: Remote monitoring is typically used in situations where a patient has a chronic condition 和 the healthcare provider wants to observe their vitals, 症状和其他关键健康指标. That information is then electronically shared with the provider regularly.
  • 存储和转发: Store 和 forward is a practice in which patient information is shared from the patient to the healthcare provider or between healthcare professionals asynchronously. Because the patient 和 provider(s) don’t need to be available at the same time, 可以减少潜在约会的数量. 例如, a primary care physician could share images of a patient’s skin condition with a dermatologist or another specialist, 谁可以远程治疗病人, 可能不需要额外的预约.


The shift toward 远程医疗 has come with both positive 和 negative changes to the healthcare industry.


  • 可访问性. 根据 全国农村卫生协会在美国,只有39个.每100名医生8名,在农村社区有1000人, 和 many of these individuals aren’t in a position to access the providers they need in person. 与远程医疗, 医生, specialists 和 other healthcare providers can help patients that they might not have been able to reach previously.
  • 安全. Virtual visits have become more important than ever as the coronavirus p和emic necessitates social distancing. Instead of having sick patients come in for an appointment or screening, they could first meet with a provider virtually to discuss symptoms 和 determine if a 新型冠状病毒肺炎 需要检查或其他护理. This could ultimately help aid the risk of transmission for the virus 和 other contagious illnesses.
  • 方便. 远程医疗 allows people to access healthcare from the comfort of their homes. It also provides greater scheduling flexibility since neither the doctor nor the patient has to travel for the appointment.


  • 没有人情味的. 而远程医疗则可以实现更大的覆盖范围, having a virtual appointment can seem impersonal for patients who prefer a face-to-face meeting. 异步会议也会延续这种感觉.
  • 技术问题. 有时电脑可能会出现故障或连接问题. This can be frustrating for both the patient 和 the healthcare provider, especially since they might be relaying important information in a short window of time. 这在农村地区可能会更成问题, where access to technology may be more limited than it is in an urban area.
  • 这是新的. 尽管远程医疗已经存在一段时间了, the coronavirus caused an unprecedented spike in dem和 和 not all providers were ready for it. Some providers are still learning 和 adapting to 远程医疗 best practices.

和大多数新技术一样, many of the challenges associated with 远程医疗 will be alleviated as the field continues to advance. 如果你对a感兴趣 卫生保健事业, it’s important to keep an eye on 远程医疗 和 underst和 how it’s being used in your field – now 和 in the future.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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